Newsletter 1/2023

Dear members

The first newletter of 2023 is out! Check it out.

Hoops in the Alps:

If you have not registered yet, please do so as soon as possible. We invest a lot of time and heartblood in the organisation of the upcoming party. Early registrations make our planning immensely easier. Thank you very much.

Hail Hail


President CSC Switzerland


Liebe Mitglieder

Der neuste Newsletter ist da. Schau ihn dir an!

Hoops in the Alps:

Wer sich noch nicht angemeldet hat, soll dies bitte so rasch wie möglich tun. Wir investieren viel Zeit und Herzblut in die Organisation des kommenden Festes. Frühzeitige Anmeldungen erleichtern uns das Planen immens. Vielen Dank.

Hail Hail


Präsident CSC Switzerland

New look for our homepage

You maybe have realised that our homepage has got a new look! The page is now built a bit differently and hopefully some things are easier to overlook and more simple. We hope you like it!

If you got feedback or even a wish about our page, just send it to

Hail, Hail
Webmaster Stevie

We are very happy to announce that our homepage got a new look! The page is now built a bit differently and hopefully some things are easier to overlook and more simple. We hope you like it!

If you got feedback or even a wish about our page, just send it to

Hail, Hail
Webmaster Stevie

Xmas newsletter 2022

Dear members

Attached I send you the Christmas edition of our newsletter. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Happy holidays and a happy new year to all of you.

President CSC Switzerland


Liebe Mitglieder

Im Anhang sende ich euch die Weihnachtsausgabe unseres Newsletters. Ich wünsche euch viel Spass beim Lesen.

Euch allen schöne Festtage und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.

Präsident CSC Switzerland


To read the newsletter you also can click on it and it will be open up bigger!

X-Mas charity gig raises over 1350 CHF

On thursday night our boardmember Stevie for the second time played a charity gig at The Old City Irish Pub in Bern.

We are very happy to announce that we raised over 1’350 CHF for Siidefade – Gemeinsam statt einsam and the Celtic FC Foundation! If you also want to support our Christmas Appeal, contact us!

We are very thanksful for all that came along and all those who supported this great cause! Special thanks goes out to the Old City Irish Pub and Mark, who were great hosts as always 🙏💪
Hoopy festive season to all and stay safe!
🍀💚 CSC Switzerland 💚🍀

Successful X-Mas Charity gig

On friday night our boardmember Stevie played a charity gig at The Old City Irish Pub in Bern.

We are very happy to announce that we raised 1’100 CHF for Siidefade – Gemeinsam statt einsam and the Celtic FC Foundation!

Thanks very much to all that donated and supported this great cause 🙏💪
Hoopy festive season to all and stay safe!
🍀💚 CSC Switzerland 💚🍀

Newsletter 1/2021





Dear members

In the first newsletter of 2021 we have two topics are to be highlighted:

  1. next Sunday, 7.3.2021 we are offering the unique opportunity to experience the Celtic vs Dundee game with live commentary from Stevie. Perfect for members without Celtic TV, but great fun for those with. Details are in the newsletter. Expected language: German or dialect.  Perfectly to learn the most important football terms in our language 🙂
  2. save the date 26.6.2021. We have provisionally reserved this date for the AGM. In which frame and if the AGM can take place depends on COVID. We will keep you informed.

    Hail Hail
    Küsä (Marcus)
    President CSC Switzerland

Season Opening Hike 2019 and Glasgow Derby

This year’s season opening hike will take place on the 1st of September! We will take the boat in Thun at 8:40 to Interlaken. If you want, you can reserve a nice breakfast on the boat as well ( We then will arrive in Interlaken at 11, take the bus in Interlaken West at 11:15 to HU(e)Nibach. Then we will do a short walk at Lake Thun (2,5 km, 1/2h) to McArthur’s, Thun. There we will watch the Glasgow Derby versus Sevco.

CSC Switzerland scarves now available!

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We recently produced scarves and they sold out very fast. Now the second order has arrived and we got brand new CSCS-scarves to sell. Contact us for ordering yours.


15.- CHF active members 

20.- CHF passive members 

25.- CHF non-members 

Shipping Switzerland is included, international shipping costs an extra 5.- CHF

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St. Gallen is Green and White – or the Discovery of New Capos?

It was a hot Tuesday in Switzerland, when a fenian bus left Schwarzenburg (Blackburry) to collect several creatures, all dressed in green and white. They came in their dozens from all over Switzerland and had origins in Switzerland, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Italy and probably even more. The bus, organised by the CSC Switzerland, left Blackburry on the 2nd of July 2019 at a quarter to noon and picked up Fondue Fenians and old and new friends in different places (Schwarzenburg, Berne, Wangen an der Aare and Zurich) to finally reach St. Gallen by 3:15 in the afternoon.

Once in St. Gallen, we all immediately headed down to “The Irish Pub Brühltor”, where our very own StevieBhoy setup the stage to perform some Irish folk- and also a load of Celtic-songs. As our board member André (El Commandante) had written a little guide to St. Gallen, there were also other Bhoys and Ghirls in the pub, not just us.

Even though St. Gallen (their football club) is green and white itself, it was green and white even more on that day. The pub was decorated with flags from different countries and of different CSCs. Everybody enjoyed the fun, the music and the drinks. As the game was about to be kicked off by 7:30 pm, all the bhoys and ghirls (I’d say 50+ people) left the pub around 6 pm to head out to the Kybunpark, the stadium of FC St. Gallen. As the public transport is included in the match ticket, we all took public buses. Singing during the entire journey, we were very much of an attraction to the locals commuting home after work or the FCSG fans taking the same journey as we did.

At the stadium, the stewards, security personnel and the local fans were very friendly, quite a bit of a surprise, honestly, as St. Gallen is known in Switzerland for its very strict security concept. We all (CSC Switzerland took care of at least 65 tickets) joined the other Hoops-fans in the away end, hung out our flags and enjoyed the spirit of the Celtic family. Sure enough, we sang the ever so necessary hymn “YNWA” by our own (we don’t need it being played by a DJ). The game started and ended quite uneventfully with a 0:0 draw, even though Edouard missed a penalty kick and Jozo Simunovic was sent off. Not all in our end even noticed…

Much to the joy of the local audience and the commentators in Swiss pay-TV, we sang not only “Happy Birthday” to FC St. Gallen, which has it’s 140th anniversary this year. Not only that, but most of the time sang and cheered our team, led by our Toblerone Tims StevieBhoy (who literally almost never stopped singing from the time getting onboard of the bus in Zurich until leaving it) and Boab, who were both showing their ambitions to becoming new capos for the Green Brigade …

The trip to St. Gallen was, once again, absolutely great! We met old and new friends (special hello and welcome to the newly founded CSC Lecco from Lake Como, Italy) and enjoyed a brilliant day with the Celtic family! We’ve been asked dozens of times, how comes, that a Swiss becomes a Celtic fan. Everybody who ever joined such an event will know why. It’s that simple!

Hail hail bhoys and ghirls! See you on the road!


Friendly game in St. Gallen


BUS: For the friendly game versus FC St.Gallen 1879 on the 2nd of July we organized a bus running from Schwarzenburg via Bern and Zurich to St. Gallen before and after the match. Reservation obligatory and compulsory. There are still some spare seats left.

11:45 ab Schwarzenburg, 12:15 Bern, 12:45 Wangen a.A., 14:00 Zürich. Return approx. 1/2h after the match.

TICKETS: We organized tickets for our members and friends. Reservation was obligatory and compulsory. Tickets still can be bought directly on the homepage of FC St. Gallen. B4 is the visitor section.

MEETING POINT: The Irish Pub at Brühltor St. Gallen. Opening times yet to be fixed, but we hope it will be at around 2-3.

CONCERT: Board member Stevie will play a concert at The Irish Pub. Start at around 4 o’clock. Celtic songs, rebel songs and irish music.

MATCH: We will head to the stadium by public transportation. Public transport is included in the match ticket.

We are looking forward to see you in St. Gallen in one month!

Hail, Hail!
CSC Switzerland

CSC Switzerland donates to Christmas appeal

On tuesday we donated money to Swiss Christmas appeal «Jeder Rappen zählt» – and Swiss Radio SRF 3 played Just can’t get enough as a wee thank you. Here you can listen to the last seconds of it, including the comment from the Radio presenter Fabio Nay. Hail, Hail!

Season Opening Hike – Report

We had a lovely day on our season opening hike 2017 in beautiful Central Switzerland. 6 members met in Luzern at the train station at 9am (yes, early start…) and 2 more joined us in Küssnacht am Rigi (sounds a wee bit like Killie, that’s why we did chose it… aye, Heinz was drunk that day…). There we made a short hike to the Hohle Gasse, where Wilhelm Tell shot Vogt Gessler (history lesson can be taken further down on this blog). Back to the village of Küssnacht we boarded on the MS Titlis and did enjoy an hour on lake Vierwaldstätter (for Heinz: Lake Lucerne).

Arrived back in Luzern we went to the Shamrock Pub and set everything up for the Kilmarnock-Celtic match. The match itself wasn’t the best in history, but the focus was set on having a great time together anyway – which was loads of fun.

Here some of the impressions of our Season Opening Hike 2017:

The legend of William Tell
At a time soon after the opening of the Gotthard Pass, when the Habsburg emperors of Vienna sought to control Uri and thus control trans-Alpine trade, a new bailiff, Hermann Gessler, was despatched to Altdorf. The proud mountain folk of Uri had already joined with their Schwyzer and Nidwaldner neighbours at Rütli in pledging to resist the Austrians’ cruel oppression, and when Gessler raised a pole in the central square of Altdorf and perched his hat on the top, commanding all who passed before it to bow in respect, it was the last straw. William Tell, a countryman from nearby Bürglen, either hadn’t heard about Gessler’s command or chose to ignore it; whichever, he walked past the hat without bowing. Gessler seized Tell, who was well known as a marksman, and set him a challenge. He ordered him to shoot an apple off his son’s head with his crossbow; if Tell was successful, he would be released, but if he failed or refused, both he and his son would die.
The boy’s hands were tied. Tell put one arrow in his quiver and another in his crossbow, took aim, and shot the apple clean off his son’s head. Gessler was impressed and infuriated – and then asked what the second arrow was for. Tell looked the tyrant in the eye and replied that if the first arrow had struck the child, the second would have been for Gessler. For such impertinence, Tell was arrested and sentenced to lifelong imprisonment in the dungeons of Gessler’s castle at Küssnacht, northeast of Luzern. During the long boat journey a violent storm arose on the lake, and the oarsmen – unfamiliar with the lake – begged with Gessler to release Tell so that he could steer them to safety. Gessler acceded, and Tell cannily manoeuvred the boat close to the shore, then leapt to freedom, landing on a flat rock (the Tellsplatte) and simultaneously pushing the boat back into the stormy waters.
Determined to see his task through and use the second arrow, Tell hurried to Küssnacht. As Gessler and his party walked along on a dark lane called Hohlegasse on their way to the castle, Tell leapt out, shot a bolt into the tyrant’s heart and melted back into the woods to return to Uri. His comrades were inspired by Tell’s act of bravery to throw off the yoke of Habsburg oppression in their homeland, and to remain forever free.
Do you want to know more about it? Here you will find the whole Saga.

Season Opening Hike 2017






Saturday, 19th August 2017, Season “opening” hike

  • Meeting point: 9:00 am Lucerne main station, track 9
  • Train leaving 9:06 (S3, direction Brunnen), arrival 9:25 in Küssnacht am Rigi (second possibility to meet)
  • Short hike (about 1 hour) from Küssnacht train station via Hohle Gasse and the ruins of the castle of Gessler ( to the ship station in Küssnacht
  • Ship leaving 10:55, arrival in Lucerne 11:53
  • Walk to the Shamrock Irish Pub, Lucerne (
  • Decorating the pub and getting yourselves prepared for the game vs. Kilmarnacht (Küssnock), kick-off: 13:30

Costs: CHF 27.- for the ship (1/2-Tax/GA are fully valid) + CHF 8.60 for the train Lucerne – Küssnacht (full price) + any ticket to/from Lucerne. For members living in Switzerland: Check the availability of Tages-GA Gemeinde (normally CHF 51.–) at your communal administration. For non-Swiss members interested: please contact Hene, so that we can take care of this issue and get you a daily ticket.

DON’T MISS THIS EVENT! Please let us know, if you’re joining us, so that we can bring enough (cooled) provisions for the hike (it will be hot, the doctors say, you need to drink enough, when it’s hot… 😉 ). You can do this by text/WhatsApp to Hene or any other board member, mail, online on our Facebook page/group, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media platform we’re on, letter, carrier pigeon or smoke signals etc. But best would be the first three possibilities. 😉

NAFCSC Celtic Convention Las Vegas 2017

From the 4th until the 11th of June, the North American Celtic Supporters Federation (NAFCSC) organised a convention for all Celtic Supporters from all over the world. CSC Switzerland was represented by president Markus, vice-president Heinz, the members Lenny and Fanny and the non-members (but girlfriends of Hene and Lenny) Daniela and Tina. After a wee 2-weeks-trip around California (see pics), we arrived at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, one block off the Strip, on the 4th of June, while the weather was not quite Scottish (sunny, completely dry and 40°C)…

Around 4.000 Celtic fans stayed in the 3.261 rooms of the hotel, and at the “International Bar” there were never less than around 30 Tims (24 hours a day!). Therefore, the Pool Party on Tuesday got really (really!) crowded, as you can imagine. At times, you couldn’t even see the water in the pool and the hotel staff was just not able to keeping up the beer and ice supply for bars in the pool area… Nevertheless, probably almost nobody kept sober. The NAFCSC had one hut at the pool set up as stage for music, so that we could celebrate our Celtic music heritage. Even hotel staff learned a few songs! J It was just incredible! By the way: The water in the pool got never dark blue (as in the film “Grown Ups”), but was probably around 50% beer at the end of the party…

On Thursday, we went to watch the documentary film “Anyone but Celtic” by Paul Larkin. The opinions about the film within the present members are still not agreed. In the evening, the Green Night took place. We re-met a couple of old and some new friends, which was very nice, as always. Brian Warfield and the Young Wolfetones did a great job on the stage and all the crowd was singing, drinking, celebrating and enjoying themselves. What a night!

We left out the Golf Day, as no one of us plays golf, the Cabaret Night (both on Wednesday; instead, we took a trip to the incredibly impressive Grand Canyon), the Gala Dinner Dance on Friday (which was quite formal) and also the Pub Night on Saturday, as we had our 11-hour-flight back home on Sunday night and had to get our stuff packed and get some rest. After three weeks in a beautiful country with generally nice people (nevertheless, Trump is still a cunt), we were back in Switzerland on Monday afternoon. It was an impressive trip and we will be telling stories about it for a long time. And we do strongly recommend a visit at the NAFCSC convention to every Celtic fan. The convention next year will be held in Toronto, it was said.

Pictures from road trip


Lots of fun and new friends at Letzi Cup 2017

CSC Switzerland for the first time ever took part in a fanclub tournament. Letzi Cup 2017 this year took part for the 38th time. We enjoyed our time in Zurich very much, the tournament was very well organized, the teams played fair and there was even time & space for friendship photos and giving handicapped players the chance to play alongside their team mates.

CSCS became 10th out of 16 teams. We started well, won 2 out of 2 and by noon had won 3 out of 5 matches. Sadly we ate too much and then lost the next 3 group matches.

Playing another two matches for the end ranking we won the first clearly (3-0), but then lost 1-2 end missed out on place 9.

A special thank goes to Paddy McGuire who specially travelled over from Liverpool to play with us!

We look forward to the 2018 version! Hail, Hail!


38rd Letzi Cup – Fanclub tournament with CSC Switzerland

Hi folks!

We have great news! With the help of Paddy, who joins us from oversea, we completed a team for the Letzi Cup to compete for the famous fanclub cup! 

If you want to join our team, write to Stevie. But what we still need is a big group of supporters! So join us for a lovely day and support the CSCS for the first time in football action! 

Sportplatz Juchhof II, Zürich

8 am – 5 pm

The following supporters clubs take part:

  • VfB Stuttgart Fanclub Mondgucker
  • VfB Stuttgart Fanclub RWS Berkheim
  • Hertha BSC Berlin Freunde Berlin Süd
  • FC. Winterthur Fanatics 2008
  • SC. Kriens Supporters
  • FC. Bayern München Fanclub Zürich
  • Arsenal FC Fanclub Switzerland
  • FC. Zürich Fanclub Tigers
  • FC. Zürich Fanclub Letzi
  • Inter Club Zofingen
  • FC. Basel Fanclub Basilisk
  • FC. Zürich Team Immerblau
  • FC. Zürich Team Füürloie
  • Celtic Supporters Club Switzerland
  • FC. Wil Fanclub Sektor D
  • FC. Wil Fanclub Black Bears
  • BVB Dortmund Swiss Crew
  • GC Fanclub Eastboys

All info on their official website:

Hail, Hail!



Celtic vs. “Them” – 12th March at McArthurs Thun

We will be watching the game versus the zombies (k.o. 13:00 CET) in McArthur’s Pub Thun this time.

Thanks to Tony, we will pay only CHF 5.– for every pint between 12:00 and 13:00.

The pub will be open from 11:30.

Join us there, as it might even be the champions decider! If not, it will at least most probably be the last nail in their coffin (only in their hopes for the title!)…


General Meeting 2017

The annual general meeting will take place on Saturday, 8th of april at Aareheim, Langmauerweg 11, Bern! It’d be great to see as many of you guys as possible! We will publish further info in the next week! Hail, Hail!


  • 13:30 arrival
  • 14:00 GM
  • 16:00 Celtic vs. Kilmarnock live on Celtic TV

Will you take part? Send your yes/no to marcus(at) till the 3rd of April. Thanks & HH

Can you spot parts of Celtic’s football history on this picture?

Just found this on web. Who can spot everything Celtic related? It’s tricky to find all the artist built in.. 😉  Solution on the bottom of the page, but don’t cheat!football_mishmash_by_roundheadillustrates-d6h3nhn


You can buy this amazing art work of football history online on:



• ‘Welcome to Paradise’ – Celtic fans
• Celtic players do their pre-match ‘huddle’ (1995 onwards)
• Henrik Larsson of Celtic (1997-04)
• Rod Stewart crys with joy as Celtic beat Barcelona (2012)
• Phil O’Donnell Flag tribute at Parkhead (2007)
• Billy McNeill of Celtic lifts the European Cup (1967)
• Robbie Keane doing his trade mark celebration in the Hoops

The Inter week

My journey started on Wednesday 18th of February. Early in the morning I travelled via Luzern, Olten to Basel. In Olten Beat „Bob“ joined me and we did take an EasyShit flight to Edinburgh. There we took the bus to Glasgow Buchanan Station. After checking in our Hotel (Travelodge City Centre) we headed for a first wee journey to Kilmarnock. Martin and his family awaited us for dinner. After enjoying the dinner together with them, a Spanish Celtic fan and Greg, a family friend and big Killie fan, we went to a local pub. After some rounds we headed back to Glasgow for the first big day.

On Thursday we met up with Martin and Carlos for having a bit of match day drinking. We went to Failté where we met Pascal and friends from the French CSC. Later we moved on to Babbicy Bewster and enjoyed Scottish meals and drinks. From there we went on to another Pub before heading to Parkhead.

The atmosphere was electric. It felt so good to be back home, to see the stadium. Each meter was a step closer to where I wanted to be every weekend, but obviously I can’t. So happiness and excitement floated through mine and Beat’s bodies. We couldn’t wait to go inside the stadium to sit on the CSCS’ seats.

After enjoying the fantastic pre match atmosphere we were blown away with the YNWA. What an experience it is each time you can hear, feel and see this song been sung at Parkhead.

The game started bad. After just 4 minutes swiss national player Shaqiri scored and Parkhead reacted fantastically by trying to give the players courage to hit back. It did come different: After 13 minutes Palacio scored a second and the stadium was silent. The fans were shocked and thanks to an superb pass form Matthews and the good finish from Armstrong after 24 minutes the hope was back and so was the singing and pushing by the supporters. And it helped to give Inter’s player a shock themselves as Armstrong scored the second in between 2 minutes, although the ball was deflected by Campagnaro and therefore given to the Italian as an owngoal. Paradise exploded and Celtic went on dominating most parts of the first half. Shortly before halftime it was Inter with their 3rd goal out of nothing. Campagnaro took advantage form a rare Gordon error and scored an easy 3rd for his team.

Celtic played on level with Inter during the second half and had chances. But Gordon was needed several times as Shaqiri stared the match with his skills and pace. Inter showed for a first time how good they can be in time wasting and diving too. Italian team are worldclass in that. It didn’t save them from conceding the equalizer after 93 minutes. Guidetti after a chip pass form Henderson volleyed home in front of my end. A fantastic goal, but it wasn’t the end. Shaqiri had a late freekick saved brilliantly by Gordon.

What a game it has been, what a night, a match to be remembered for years to come. And Celtic were left with a good chance for the away leg.

We went on drinking and partying till late. As usual. As we did on Friday too.

On Saturday Beat, Carlos and me enjoyed a trip to Edinburgh to watch Hibs taking the better of Dumbarton (3-0) and another night out in Glasgow.

Sunday is match day. So was it on that weekend. The second Celtic match for us in 4 days was a different one. It was one way traffic, but Celtic failed to score the first goal against Hamilton in the first half. Rain and wind showed us what cold and wet means, even sitting underneath the stadium roof. But we didn’t care as Celtic went on to score 4 in the second half and handing Beat a good bit of money thanks to a tip for a 4+ win from Celtic.

After the game we went back to Edinburgh and enjoyed the night there, although it was just for food and a shooooort sightseeing trip (we saw the Edinburgh castle and ladbrooker…).

The morning was all about getting home and getting back to normal life for at least 3 days.


On Wednesday morning I got up early again, it was time for my 3rd Celtic match in 8 days. By train I went to Bern where the other members awaited me in the train to Milano. The journey was lovely. Beautiful landscapes and nice people around me, just fantastic.

Arrived in Milan at around 11 we took the metro to Duomo square and searched our hotels. First fans already started covering the square. After check-in we directly headed to the square and placed our banners on the floor. Friends from all over the world came to say hi and we enjoyed quite a few beers. And some even a good bottle (or 2..) of red wine in a restaurant.

At around 5 we left Duomo Square and by metro we arrived near the stadium. The police wanted us to board busses but thankfully they hadn’t enough so we walked to the stadium, entered the away end without having tickets for that end (yes, we were surprised as well when the entrance turned green when scanning the tickets). Martin, Brian and Paddy already did place our banners in the first row so we found them easily. First row seats in the away end of Meazza? Not too bad…

The atmosphere was fantastic and the Celtic fans did make the team proud. And so did the team the travelled supporters. They played with passion and heart. Inter played on level, although Mackay-Stevens had the best chance till around 35 minutes were played. Then the dreadful ref showed a second yellow to VvD and it was a very very harsh one. Celtic tried their best, fighted, fired up by the fans, played great football and even created some good attacking moments. Gordon showed that he is one of the best keepers and saved the team 3-4 times from a 0-1. The ref went on showing yellow after yellow to Celtic, while the dives and tactical fouls from Inter mainly stayed ignored by the Slovakian Ref. He even showed Gordon a yellow for time wasting.. yes, time wasting from our goal keeper when we needed at least one goal.. while the Italian needed 2 minutes to sub 2 players. While they took every chance to fall, to complain and to asking for yellows for Celtic players. Inter players got 2 yellows in all the game. Guarin settled the game with his beautiful shot in the right hand corner from Gordon after 88 minutes. Seeing their superiority with 14 to 10 men it was a deserved win….

The fans went on partying and celebrating our team, even singing YNWA some minutes after full time and the Meazza fans waited outside to applaud us. Some fans swapped scarves, as i did. Their supporters generally showed class and fairplay. I want to wish their team good luck for the next rounds and the season, but i also hope that they stop their diving and complaining, as this is not a fair behaviour. Anyway, it is not the fans’ fault, so good luck to them!

After the match we walked away in direction of a metro station and ended up for a “Pete-Stop” at a mobile snack bar. After 2 hours we went on and in the city centre we eat good pizzas and drank wine / beer (again).

The next day we did a bit of “cultural CSC” and did a small sightseeing tour to the Duomo. Some even went upstairs with the elevator. After that we went for O’Connoll Pub and enjoyed a great afternoon with other Celtic supporters.

In the evening we took the train Bern and enjoyed our own mini bar.

On this point I want to thanks all my friends and all the Celtic Family. Special thanks to all my swiss and scottish friends who travelled with me and made me enjoying my trips to Glasgow and Milan. As well thanks to all the new and old faces I / we met on tour! Three Celtic matches in 8 days, something i will never forget!

Hail, Hail!
