Dear members
Attached you find the latest newsletter with some important information. Enjoy the read and have a great weekend.
Hail Hail
President CSC Switzerland
This year’s General Meeting will be held on Sunday, 07.04.24, 12.00h, before the derby, in Old City Irish Pub in Bern. It’s gonna be a quick one. We will send out the invitation by mail in the next days.
Please save the date!
Hail, Hail!
Our annual fundraising Christmas concert on Saturday evening raised an incredible amount of 1500.- CHF for LEBEX- Fresspäckli -Gruppe CH-Lebensmittel für Menschen am Existenzminimum and Celtic FC Foundation. CSC Switzerland donated 475.- CHF from the ticket sales. Thanks to everyone who donated, The Old City Irish Pub for hosting the fundraiser and contributing and board member Stevie for playing, contributing and organizing it. If you still want donate, feel free to contact one of the board members. Hail, Hail
To celebrate our 20 years anniversary we also have designed and ordered new merchandising! Our 20 years pin and the 20 years CSCS summer scarf will be available for the first time at our big anniversary party! Make sure to buy yours directly on this weekend. The rest will go on sale via website!
There also will be new T-Shirts up for sale at the party weekend, so make sure you don’t miss it!
We will watch the Glasgow derby this Saturday at @old_city_irish_pub in Bern.
13h: pub opens
13.30h: Derby live on tv
15.15 – 16h: General Meeting
16h – open end: party
See you there! 🍀⚽
#Fonduefenians #cscswitzerland #CelticFC
Ps: who remembers this photo?
Dear members
The first newletter of 2023 is out! Check it out.
Hoops in the Alps:
If you have not registered yet, please do so as soon as possible. We invest a lot of time and heartblood in the organisation of the upcoming party. Early registrations make our planning immensely easier. Thank you very much.
Hail Hail
President CSC Switzerland
Liebe Mitglieder
Der neuste Newsletter ist da. Schau ihn dir an!
Hoops in the Alps:
Wer sich noch nicht angemeldet hat, soll dies bitte so rasch wie möglich tun. Wir investieren viel Zeit und Herzblut in die Organisation des kommenden Festes. Frühzeitige Anmeldungen erleichtern uns das Planen immens. Vielen Dank.
Hail Hail
Präsident CSC Switzerland
You maybe have realised that our homepage has got a new look! The page is now built a bit differently and hopefully some things are easier to overlook and more simple. We hope you like it!
If you got feedback or even a wish about our page, just send it to
Hail, Hail
Webmaster Stevie
We are very happy to announce that our homepage got a new look! The page is now built a bit differently and hopefully some things are easier to overlook and more simple. We hope you like it!
If you got feedback or even a wish about our page, just send it to
Hail, Hail
Webmaster Stevie
To read the newsletter you also can click on it and it will be open up bigger!
On thursday night our boardmember Stevie for the second time played a charity gig at The Old City Irish Pub in Bern.
We are very happy to announce that we raised over 1’350 CHF for Siidefade – Gemeinsam statt einsam and the Celtic FC Foundation! If you also want to support our Christmas Appeal, contact us!
We are very thanksful for all that came along and all those who supported this great cause! Special thanks goes out to the Old City Irish Pub and Mark, who were great hosts as always
Hoopy festive season to all and stay safe! CSC Switzerland
Next year we are going to celebrate our 20 years anniversary and the party weekend will be called «Hoops In The Alps». Here you will find all informations for the weekend of Friday 04th – Sunday 06th of August 2023. We will send all info in the next weeks to you directly if you are a member. The party will take place in Thun.
There will be several concerts, we will have some excursions and a great time all together.
See you soon! Hail, Hail!
Dear members & friends,
You shoud receive the invitation for our AGM, taking place on the 23.04.2022 in these days, by post. Please don’t forget to give us a feedback if you can participate or not. Thank you very much.
It will take place in the Old City Irish Pub in Bern.
Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde
Ihr solltet in diesen Tagen die Einladung zur HV am 23.04.2022 per Post erhalten. BItte vergesst nicht, uns mitzuteilen, ob ihr teilnehmen könnt oder nicht. Vielen Dank.
Die HV findet im Old City Irish Pub statt.
Hail, Hail!
CSCS Board
Matchdetails Celtic FC – Dundee FC, Sunday, 20.2.2022, kick-off 15:00 CPT (Celtic Park Time),
16:00 FFT (Fondue Fenians Time)
Idea Hike before the game Celtic – Dundee FC from Spiez to the McArthur’s Pub in
Hiking route Spiez (lake) via Spiezberg, Einigen, Gwatt, Thun along the lake, if possible, in detail
below (see also screenshot of the map section):
Please tell one of our board members if you will take part ath the Brunch till wednesday 16. february.
Anmeldefrist für Brunch, Mittwuch, 16.2. Merci!
On friday night our boardmember Stevie played a charity gig at The Old City Irish Pub in Bern.
We are very happy to announce that we raised 1’100 CHF for Siidefade – Gemeinsam statt einsam and the Celtic FC Foundation!
Thanks very much to all that donated and supported this great cause
Hoopy festive season to all and stay safe! CSC Switzerland
Liebe Mitglieder
Ich hoffe ihr seid alle gesund.
Im Anhang sende ich euch den aktuellsten Newsletter. Viel Spass beim Durchlesen. Bitte reserviert euch, falls ihr könnt, die im Newsletter erwähnten Daten. Wäre schön, euch bald wieder “live” zu sehen.
Liebe Grüsse
Küsä / Marcus Schwarzentrub
Präsident CSC Switzerland
Dear members
I hope you are all in good health.
Please find attached the latest newsletter. Enjoy reading it.
Please reserve the dates mentioned in the newsletter if you can. It would be great to see you “live” again soon.
Küsä / Marcus Schwarzentrub
President CSC Switzerland
Saturday 26.06.2021
Venue: Old City Irish Pub Bern,
Start: 13.30h
OR online via Stream.
Please tell us, if you can attend in the Pub or in real life until 19.06.2020 ->
Any request for the GM must be sent to Marcus on the post way until 19.06.2021
Dear members
In the first newsletter of 2021 we have two topics are to be highlighted:
Dear members, friends, fans, followers and all you fenian bastards out there!
We’ve got a new CSCS product: A round flask of 1.5 dl with our crest on it.
As they will be produced individually on order, the prices per piece may vary hugely.
For orders arriving until end of February, we will have them made all together, to save some costs. If we have more than 25 pieces ordered (all together, not individual orders), one will cost you CHF 40.-, for less than 25 pieces ordered, it will be CHF 45.-.
Both prices include shipping within Switzerland. Outside Switzerland, we will have to add some shipping costs (my guess would be an added CHF 5.-).
There will be also the possibility to add additional text on the backside. This will be calculated individually. Expect for only text (for example your name and/or CSCS member number) between CHF 10.- and 20.-, depending on size and how much text it is (no guarantee for this estimate!).
For orders, please contact Heinz by mail ( with your exact wishes, e.g. plain as on the picture (whisky not included), added text on back etc.
In the first week of March, we will order them and will ask you for cash in advance, as it might be quite a big order (hopefully).
You will be able to order them also later, but then, the price will be around CHF 55.- to CHF 60.- each for up to 9 pieces.
PS: Thanks to Steph for the lovely card! Great stuff!
We will watch the Glasgow Derby in Mr. Pickwick Pub Bern!
The Pub will open 13:00! Bring your mask!
See you there on Saturday & Hail, Hail!
Dear members
After the SPFL this week finally managed to definitively schedule the game against the Hibs, we can now also announce the details of our traditional season-opening hike. You can find everything worth knowing about it in the flyer attached to this mail. Please get in touch with me, any other board member or on social media if you are joining us. This may also be at short notice, Gary from McArthur’s Pub in Lenzburg will be grateful if we can let him know before lunch for how many members he may reserve a table. Please also let us know if you are coming directly to the pub or if you are joining us on the way (e.g. at the Bären, Wildegg). For detailed info click here.
I and the rest of the board are looking forward to this event and to seeing a lot of members!
Vizepräsident CSC Switzerland
CEO Hiking Fondue Fenians 😉
Liebe Mitglieder
Nachdem die SPFL es diese Woche endlich geschafft hat, das Spiel gegen die Hibs definitiv zu terminieren, können wir nun auch die Details zu unserer traditionellen Saisoneröffnungswanderung bekannt geben. Ihr findet alles Wissenswerte dazu im Flyer im Anhang zu dieser Mail. Bitte meldet euch bei mir, jedem anderen Vorstandsmitglied oder auf den sozialen Medien, wenn ihr dabei seid. Dies kann auch kurzfristig sein, Gary vom McArthur’s Pub in Lenzburg ist dankbar, wenn wir ihm vormittags mal mitteilen können, für wieviele Mitglieder er einen Tisch reservieren darf. Meldet euch bitte auch, wenn ihr direkt ins Pub kommt oder unterwegs (z.B. im Bären, Wildegg) einsteigt. Für alle Details klicke hier.
Ich und der restliche Vorstand freuen uns auf diesen Anlass und auf eine rege Teilnahme!
Vizepräsident CSC Switzerland
CEO Hiking Fondue Fenians 😉
Saturday 12.09.2020
Venue: Old City Irish Pub Bern,
Start: 14.00h
Kick off Ross County-Celtic 16.00h
Please tell us, if you can attend until 31.08.2020 ->
Any request must be sent to Marcus until 05.09.2020
Due to the postponed Derby and the restrictions due to corona virus, the event is cancelled. We are very sorry!
We will watch the Derby on 15th March in Schwarzenburg BE, at the Altstadt Pub. More info to follow!
English version below
Liebe Mitglieder des CSC Switzerland
Wir befinden uns in schwierigen Zeiten. Die Corona-Pandemie hat unser aller Leben im Griff.
Aufgrund der derzeitigen Lage müssen wir unsere Hauptversammlung vom 25. April 2020 leider verschieben.
Der Vorstand hat gestützt auf Art. 6a COVID-19 Verordnung 2 beschlossen, dass die Hauptversammlung im Spätsommer oder Herbst 2020, entweder in der gewohnten Form im Pub, oder als Online-Versammlung stattfinden wird. Über das genaue Datum werden wir Euch zeitgerecht informieren.
Wir hoffen, dass sich die Lage bis dahin soweit entspannt hat, dass wir ein geselliges Wiedersehen feiern können. Sollte eine richtige Versammlung aber immer noch verboten oder aus gesundheitlichen Gründen zu riskant sein, werden wir die Versammlung online abhalten.
Bleibt alle gesund und passt auf Euch auf! You’ll never walk alone!
Vorstand CSC Switzerland
Dear Members of the CSC Switzerland
The current times are difficult und stressful. The Corona-pandemic has grabbed all our lives.
Due to the current situation, unfortunately we have to postpone our General Assembly on the 25th of April 2020.
Based on Art. 6a COVID-19 act 2 the board has decided that the General Assembly will be held in late summer or autumn of 2020 either in the familiar manner in a pub or as an online assembly. We will inform you about the exact date in due course.
We sincerely hope that the situation will be calm enough by then, so that we can celebrate a happy reunion.
If a real assembly won’t still be aloud or too risky because of health issues we will held an online assembly.
Stay safe and take care! You’ll never walk alone!
Board CSC Switzerland
Derby time! Sunday 29th december live at Mr. Pickwick Pub Bern! Kick off 13:30 Fondue time! 🍀
This Sunday live at McArthurs Pub Thun! Members with a Celtic top on get a second beer for free when ordering! Mon the Hoops!
Dear members & friends
With deep regret we have to inform you that our longtime member and lifelong Celtic supporter Janette “Jinty” Blaesig-Halfpenny died yesterday after a long illness.
Thank you Jinty for all the great memories you gave us. May you rest in peace.
Our thoughts are with her family and friends.
You’ll never walk alone!
Celtic Supporters Club Switzerland board
This year’s season opening hike will take place on the 1st of September! We will take the boat in Thun at 8:40 to Interlaken. If you want, you can reserve a nice breakfast on the boat as well ( We then will arrive in Interlaken at 11, take the bus in Interlaken West at 11:15 to HU(e)Nibach. Then we will do a short walk at Lake Thun (2,5 km, 1/2h) to McArthur’s, Thun. There we will watch the Glasgow Derby versus Sevco.
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We recently produced scarves and they sold out very fast. Now the second order has arrived and we got brand new CSCS-scarves to sell. Contact us for ordering yours.
15.- CHF active members
20.- CHF passive members
25.- CHF non-members
Shipping Switzerland is included, international shipping costs an extra 5.- CHF
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It was a hot Tuesday in Switzerland, when a fenian bus left Schwarzenburg (Blackburry) to collect several creatures, all dressed in green and white. They came in their dozens from all over Switzerland and had origins in Switzerland, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Italy and probably even more. The bus, organised by the CSC Switzerland, left Blackburry on the 2nd of July 2019 at a quarter to noon and picked up Fondue Fenians and old and new friends in different places (Schwarzenburg, Berne, Wangen an der Aare and Zurich) to finally reach St. Gallen by 3:15 in the afternoon.
Once in St. Gallen, we all immediately headed down to “The Irish Pub Brühltor”, where our very own StevieBhoy setup the stage to perform some Irish folk- and also a load of Celtic-songs. As our board member André (El Commandante) had written a little guide to St. Gallen, there were also other Bhoys and Ghirls in the pub, not just us.
Even though St. Gallen (their football club) is green and white itself, it was green and white even more on that day. The pub was decorated with flags from different countries and of different CSCs. Everybody enjoyed the fun, the music and the drinks. As the game was about to be kicked off by 7:30 pm, all the bhoys and ghirls (I’d say 50+ people) left the pub around 6 pm to head out to the Kybunpark, the stadium of FC St. Gallen. As the public transport is included in the match ticket, we all took public buses. Singing during the entire journey, we were very much of an attraction to the locals commuting home after work or the FCSG fans taking the same journey as we did.
At the stadium, the stewards, security personnel and the local fans were very friendly, quite a bit of a surprise, honestly, as St. Gallen is known in Switzerland for its very strict security concept. We all (CSC Switzerland took care of at least 65 tickets) joined the other Hoops-fans in the away end, hung out our flags and enjoyed the spirit of the Celtic family. Sure enough, we sang the ever so necessary hymn “YNWA” by our own (we don’t need it being played by a DJ). The game started and ended quite uneventfully with a 0:0 draw, even though Edouard missed a penalty kick and Jozo Simunovic was sent off. Not all in our end even noticed…
Much to the joy of the local audience and the commentators in Swiss pay-TV, we sang not only “Happy Birthday” to FC St. Gallen, which has it’s 140th anniversary this year. Not only that, but most of the time sang and cheered our team, led by our Toblerone Tims StevieBhoy (who literally almost never stopped singing from the time getting onboard of the bus in Zurich until leaving it) and Boab, who were both showing their ambitions to becoming new capos for the Green Brigade …
The trip to St. Gallen was, once again, absolutely great! We met old and new friends (special hello and welcome to the newly founded CSC Lecco from Lake Como, Italy) and enjoyed a brilliant day with the Celtic family! We’ve been asked dozens of times, how comes, that a Swiss becomes a Celtic fan. Everybody who ever joined such an event will know why. It’s that simple!
Hail hail bhoys and ghirls! See you on the road!
BUS: For the friendly game versus FC St.Gallen 1879 on the 2nd of July we organized a bus running from Schwarzenburg via Bern and Zurich to St. Gallen before and after the match. Reservation obligatory and compulsory. There are still some spare seats left.
11:45 ab Schwarzenburg, 12:15 Bern, 12:45 Wangen a.A., 14:00 Zürich. Return approx. 1/2h after the match.
TICKETS: We organized tickets for our members and friends. Reservation was obligatory and compulsory. Tickets still can be bought directly on the homepage of FC St. Gallen. B4 is the visitor section.
MEETING POINT: The Irish Pub at Brühltor St. Gallen. Opening times yet to be fixed, but we hope it will be at around 2-3.
CONCERT: Board member Stevie will play a concert at The Irish Pub. Start at around 4 o’clock. Celtic songs, rebel songs and irish music.
MATCH: We will head to the stadium by public transportation. Public transport is included in the match ticket.
We are looking forward to see you in St. Gallen in one month!
Hail, Hail!
CSC Switzerland
We will meet @Piwi Bern for the second Glasgow Derby of the year. Please join us – let’s cover the pub in green and white. The match is on the 12th of May, kick off 13.00h (swiss time).
Hail, Hail!
We will meet @McArthurs Thun for the first Glasgow Derby of the year. Please join us – let’s cover the pub in green and white. The match is on the 31th of March, kick off 13.00h (swiss time).
The Pub opens at 11.30. There will be a fried breakfast + 1 beer Deal (18.- CHF) for all CSC members. ONLY on reservation till friday before the match (write to Heinz).
Hail, Hail!