Our annual hiking tour started at around 11 a.m. at train station Ostermundingen. Our organizer & vice president Heinz had to answer the questions why he did choose Ostermundingen quite a lot as it is not really having a similar name to Dundee’s. His solution was suprisingly understandable… A neighbourhood of Ostermundingen is called “Dennigkofen” – spoken in Heinz’s accent – it sounds close to “Dundeekofen”…. Well, we all believed him and then enjoyed a nice wee 1h walk to Bern. Next to the Bärengraben we then went to the “Altes Tramdepot” for having a nice homemade beer! After a pint we went on to Mr. Pickwick Pub and enjoyed a very SPFL-midclass performance of Celtic in their bad 1:1 draw to Dundee FC. Thank god Rik, the barkeeper of Piwi, was very nice to us and supplied us with chips, tacos and of course – some beer. All in all we had great day and enjoyed the first official hiking tour of our new formed CSC Switzerland. Thanks to all who took part!
Hail, Hail!
PS: Hoopy Birthday Martin ” Tinu” Amstutz! Thanks for all & all the best mate! “Oh Tinu Amstutz, Celtic loves you more than you’ll ever know! Ohohohoh..!”